Heroic celebs make an impact & LGBTQ+ artists make us proud

Here are this week’s most popular positive stories, with some fun social media posts tossed in too. Like seeing uplifting content like this? Sign up for our Good News email.

This week, a federal judge helped make life a little better for trans youth, a major country music star came out, and a drag legend put big money into the fight for free expression.

With so many heroes helping change the world for the better, we can’t help but smile — and we hope this good news round-up will make you smile too!

Enjoy a slice of delicious watermelon!

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RuPaul raises $2 million for Drag Defense Fund with ACLU

The drag legend and fans of her wildly popular reality TV competition helped raise some serious cash to fight for LGBTQ+ rights — “You betta werque!”

Of course, RuPaul also made history as the first drag queen ever to appear in a Super Bowl ad. And drag queens are always stepping up to help the community — one time, several held a “kiss-in” at a mall that booted a gay couple for smooching and another time, a group of queens helped raise money to fight devastating wildfires.

Country star Maren Morris comes out as bisexual

Even before coming out, Morris has been a fierce advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. Welcome to the family!

Federal judge says minors can access gender-affirming care in historic victory for trans rights

“I’m relieved that I can once again get the healthcare that I need here in Florida.”

How gay men are more masculine than heterosexual men…


A Denver community helped two women have a gay wedding after they journeyed halfway across the world

They ventured through dangerous jungles and sold lollipops on the street just to make it to America where they could declare their love.

These 20 LGBTQ+ Broadway shows stole the spotlight & audience’s hearts

Theatre has always been incredibly important to our community — here are some of the greatest LGBTQ+ Broadway and off-Broadway shows ever.

Queer critic illustrates how shuttered lesbian bars have still changed history for the better

June Thomas’s new book focuses on the revolutionary joy and community-building that have happened in women’s spaces.

Why Bea Arthur is a gay icon


How secret queer languages inspired the popular slang we use today

Terms like “butch,” “drag,” “shade,” and “it’s giving” all stem from the secret ways queer folks used to talk over the heads of cis-het folks.

San Francisco votes unanimously to become a sanctuary city for trans & nonbinary people

It’s now the largest city in the U.S. to protect gender-affirming care for minors.

These 20 unforgettable LGBTQ+ reality TV stars made history & warmed hearts

While it might be a guilty pleasure, we still love these LGBTQ+ reality TV stars, making our television time that much more queer.

Get into art… no, really get into it


From our sibling sites:

source https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/06/heroic-celebs-make-an-impact-lgbtq-artists-make-us-proud/

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