UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell says homeschooling his son will keep him from being gay

“I don’t want him to be a communist, I don’t want him to worship Satan, and I don’t want him to be gay,” says UFC featherweight fighter Bryce Mitchell in a video posted to social media describing why he will homeschool his son.

The Instagram reel depicts a shirtless Mitchell holding his infant son, Tucker James, as he begins to describe the reasons he’ll be homeschooling the infant. He writes in the accompanying text, “this country is so evil only God can save us. i was told dhs was gunna come get my kid cause i didnt let the doc stick him with a needle.”


Fox host applauds UFC fighter’s wildly homophobic rant about rejecting gay kids

He called a reporter a “weak f**king man” for saying he would accept his gay son, and Fox News loved it.

He then went on to describe why he is opposed to vaccinating his child, saying, “It could potentially kill them. Give them some type of… Make them autistic. Seriously, these vaccines are poisonous. Don’t vaccinate your kids.”

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The CDC has stated that there is no evidence that vaccines cause autism. The medical organization also emphasized that vaccines are safe and effective at preventing contagious diseases.

Mitchell then lamented that the Bible is not taught in schools, claiming it to be the “oldest, most accurate historical book there ever was.” 

He then chose to denounce the historically significant work of poet Edgar Allen Poe due to him marrying his 13-year-old cousin.

He continued his rant by talking about how he denied Tucker from receiving a vital blood test, the phenylketonuria (PKU) screening. Phenylketonuria can cause permanent nervous system and brain damage if left untreated.

He concluded by discussing how the hospital said they’d call the authorities for his denial of essential medical care for Tucker, proclaiming how he would rather die than let any governmental agency get custody of the infant.

In a previous Instagram video, he challenged UFC bantamweight world champion Sean O’Malley to a debate over whether the Earth is flat – a conspiracy theory Mitchell admitted to believing in.

“When you understand that the Earth is flat and there’s a dome around it, you’ll probably be like me and just be closer to God after you realize the actual shape of the Earth,” said Mitchell.

Mitchell isn’t the only UFC fighter to engage in queerphobic rhetoric. Earlier this year, Sean Strickland said being trans is a “mental illness.” Strickland said in 2021 that if his son turns out to be gay, he’ll have “failed as a man.”

Mitchell concluded the supplementary text by saying, “i just got love in my heart so if sumone twists my words and makes me look like the bad guy, u will kno the real enemy.”

source https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/05/ufc-fighter-bryce-mitchell-says-homeschooling-his-son-will-keep-him-from-being-gay/

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